De camouflerede billeder giver os dog en idé om designet og nogle af funktionerne i den nye Renault Austral SUV.
Renault skriver følgende:
Every time a new model is launched, test vehicles are taken through months of intensive trials in order to ensure the utmost quality and reliability. These endurance tests are undertaken to confirm the reliability and longevity of the vehicles various components.
The New Renault AUSTRAL has now entered its final stage of development, with final checks of the new CMF-CD3 platform and the all-electric engine options.

The new Renault AUSTRAL is about to undertake a round of tests known as “Confirmation Runs”, in which a fleet of around 100 vehicles have set off to travel 2 million kilometres.
Renault’s new SUV will therefore cross France, Spain, Germany and Romania in order to confirm the results of the previous checks. Nine hundred drivers will cover 600,000km of open roads in real-life conditions, while the remaining 1,400,000km will take place on the track.
Renault Austral er i den sidste udviklingsfase, og Renault AUSTRAL vil være tilgængelig med en række forskellige hybridmotorer. Du kan finde flere detaljer på linket nedenfor.
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Kilde Renault