Volkswagen har afsløret, at de vil præsentere en ny Volkswagen ID.3 næste forår. Nu har VW nogle skitser af bilen.
Volkswagen har afsløret, at de vil annoncerer en ny model Volkswagen ID.3 i foråret 2023, og bilproducenten har nu frigivet nogle skitser af bilen. Den originale Volkswagen ID.3 blev sat til salg i Storbritannien tilbage i 2020.
Den nye ID.3 vil få en række designændringer i forhold til den nuværende model. Hertil vil den også få nogle nye funktioner, opdateret teknologi og meget mere.

Volkswagen will be unveiling the new ID.3 to the public this coming spring. The second-generation ID.3 is set to be the latest chapter in the ID. family success story: To date, more than half a million ID. models – built on the basis of the modular electric drive matrix (MEB) – have been delivered to customers around the world. Currently, the ID.3 is produced at the Zwickau and Dresden plants in Germany. However, the production network will be expanded next year to include the main Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg. This is in order to meet high levels of customer demand for the fully electric compact car.
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“The new ID.3 demonstrates our commitment to quality, design and sustainability. The design has matured, and we’ve upgraded the materials used in the interior”, says Imelda Labbé, Volkswagen Board Member for Sales, Marketing and After Sales. In coming up with the revamped version, the development team took on board a range of suggestions from customers in order to improve the product and enhance the standard equipment package: “The needs of our customers are always front and centre for us. That’s why we listen carefully and focus on gearing our product portfolio to their requirements”, Labbé adds.

Du kan finde mere information om den nye Volkswagen ID.3 via VW. Vi glæder os til at se den nye bil, når den lanceres.
Kilde & Billedrettigheder: VW